In the past year, we’ve seen the rise of emboldened white supremacist groups and networks globally. In response we’re also seen a resurgence of anti-fascist organizing. To help us make sense of these developments in the context of recent, and not-so-recent history, Punch Up Collective is very excited to be bringing organizer, historian, and writer Mark Bray to Ottawa.
Thursday Oct 19th
7:00 pm (door open at 6:30)
Room 31, Dalhousie Community Centre
755 Somerset Street West
Ottawa, on unceded Algonquin territory
(Facebook event here)
Mark will be speaking about his new book Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook. He will focus on the history of anti-fascism, exploring its development from resistance to Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s into contemporary struggles against white supremacists. Based on interviews with anti-fascists from around the world, Antifa details the tactics and ideas of the movement, offering insight into the growing but little-understood resistance fighting back against fascism in all its guises.
We’ll also hear a presentation from a former member of Toronto Anti-Racist Action (ARA), a group that actively organized against white supremacists in the Toronto area and in Ontario more broadly during the 1990s and early 2000s. This speaker will share recent regional history of anti-fascist and anti-racist organizing in our context, drawing out lessons for today’s struggles.
Following the speakers, there will be lots of space to think and talk together about how these histories are relevant to our lives today.
Endorsed by Indigenous Peoples’ Solidarity Movement Ottawa, CUPE 4600, COPE 225 SEPB, Ottawa-Outaouais Industrial Workers of the World, Solidarity Ottawa, Criminalization and Punishment Education Project, and Ottawa Against Fascism
Accessibility Info
- There is an elevator up to the 3rd floor.
- ASL translation and French whisper translation is available. Please email us (punchupcollective@gmail.com) if you require translation by October 6th.
- Childminding is available. Please email us (punchupcollective@gmail.com) if you require childminding by October 6th.
- The ground floor has a unisex (gender neutral) wheelchair accessible washroom. The washrooms on the 3rd floor are wheelchair accessible but gender-segregated.
- Bus tickets will be available for transportation.
- We request all participants refrain from wearing scents to better allow people with chemical sensitivities to attend.
- This event will not be recorded.
- If you have any other accessibility needs not listed here, please get in touch.
Who is Mark Bray?
Mark Bray is a historian of human rights, terrorism, and political radicalism in Modern Europe who is currently a lecturer at Dartmouth College. He was one of the organizers of Occupy Wall Street, and is the author of Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street, and the co-editor of Anarchist Education and the Modern School: A Francisco Ferrer Reader. He has published widely, and he has appeared on major news programs, including CNN and NBC News, to speak about radical politics and movements. You can find out more about Mark at his website: markmbray.wordpress.com.
Who is Punch Up?
Punch Up is a small anarchist collective based in Ottawa, Ontario, on unceded Algonquin land. You can find out more about Punch Up at our website.